Can I split my order?

We have a couple of options to split your order between two flavors.

  • Option 1: Alternate your flavors and receive one flavor the first month and the other flavor the following month for $35 per shipment
  • Option 2: Receive both of your desired flavors (9 packs of each) every month for $70 per shipment
  • Option 3: Receive both of your desired flavors (9 packs of each) every other month for $70 per shipment

To do this, login to your account.

  • Scroll down until you see the "Add Subscription" option
  • Select "Chew+Park 9 Pack"
  • Select the flavor you'd like to receive
  • Select 1 - this will give you 9 packs of the first flavor
  • Once you update this it will put you back to your account page
  • Scroll down to see your subscriptions
  • Click the "edit" to update the date
  • From there you will want to update when you receive this recurring order and the delivery schedule. Input the date you'd like this flavor to ship. Update the delivery schedule to every two months.
  • Repeat this process for your active subscription. Be sure to change the flavor as well!

You're all set, now you're receiving both flavors!

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